Leading the Way in Cutting-Edge Heater Solutions
Power - Efficiency - Innovation

Furnace Improvements Services has been in the business of improving the efficiency and performance of fired heaters for more than 29 years. We have been addressing the design & engineering issues of the Oil & Gas Industry with our patented technologies and have performed over 500 projects for our clients across the globe.  We also helped in reducing refinery NOx emissions, thus fulfilling our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) while serving the best economic solutions to refinery businesses.

FIS has served eminent clients like Citgo, Valero, Phillips 66, Alon USA, Holly Frontier, and Total Energies.

24X7 Work Cycle to Serve Our Global Clients in Different Time Zones

In addition to the Sugar Land office, FIS has an engineering office in Noida, India. They support the US office by carrying out all the detailing, drawing work, and CFD modeling. We work round the clock and manage projects with very tight schedules, as we believe in “doing it once, and doing it right”.

Our Services

FIS is consistently dedicated to working on furnace (fourneau) improvement solutions that enhance the fired heaters and boilers' reliability, efficiency, and longevity. Our company has had the pleasure and privilege of helping our clients in the oil and gas industry benefit from our design and engineering services since 1996. We undertake turnkey projects for the engineering, procurement, supply, and construction of fired heaters.

Our design and engineering work, including process, mechanical, structural, CFD analysis, 3D modeling, and drawings, is carried out in-house. Our services include Engineering Studies, Revamp, Supply, Troubleshooting & Training. We provide technically sound and cost-effective solutions for all the needs of a fired heater project.

Our Scope of Services includes-

Our Engineering Capabilities includes-

Our Clients

FIS has served eminent clients like Citgo, Valero, Phillips 66, Alon USA, Frontier, and Total Energies.

FIS Patented Technologies

Inclined Firing System

Reduces flame impingement and
high tube metal temperatures

Split Flow Technology

Increases capacity with limited
process side pressure drop

Flue Gas Injection

Reduces coking & tube
metal temperatures

Efficiency Improvement Damper

Safe & Reliable Draft
Control System

What Makes Us Unique ?

Is Your Fired Heater Pressure Drop Limited ?
